Message-passing and Entanglement
Also today, I pondered some issues around concurrency. I had the realization that, although message-passing may be a useful language mechanism (as a sole concurrency mechanism) for structuring a lot of programs, it's probably not good for applications that have a lot of data interdependence and need strong atomicity properties. Here was my insight:
Suppose you're building software for a complex system—like a simulator, say—and there are discrete units in the system that seem like they are largely independent from one another. It may be attractive to implement these units as distinct processes (threads) in the way you structure the software. You can write a single process description that sends messages whenever the real, modelled object has an interaction with other objects. This might seem appealing, but it's not necessarily the right thing to do.
The critical thing is that if, as in Erlang, message-passing is the sole means of concurrency-control, then passing a message is the only kind of atomic operation. That means that if variables x and y are updated together in some atomic operation, they have to be managed by the same process. And if y and z are also part of some atomic operation, they too have to be managed by the same process.
So the natural division of your program into threads, mirroring the division of modelled objects, may not be correct, since there may be some operation which must be atomic, and must involve two or more "natural" objects. Furthermore, it's not hard to imagine most or all of the variables in a program becoming entangled in this way.
This is not to say message-passing is not useful, or that there aren't lots of programs that could profitably be written that way. Many applications, after all, don't require strict atomicity in every of the operations that are in principle atomic. But, I think some real safety-critical applications are going to have data that is so entangled that, if they had to use the message-passing approach, they'd lose out on the benefits of concurrency.
So I continue my search for other concurrency abstractions that the language can usefully support.