March 09, 2004

Fur Hat/Меховая Шапка

I went to Ismailovsky Park, the center for cheap clothes, Soviet bric-a-brac, and arts and crafts. If anyone has any requests, let me know. I can buy you posters, Lenin flags, a bust of Stalin, old Soviet Army hats. You can just deposit the money in my bank account. Of course, like any good information-age baby, you could just buy your Russian hats online HERE.

Anyhow, back to the story. It was snowing hard, and of course the first thing I saw was the ratty looking chained-up bears that everyone was gawking at along with the people dressed up as ethnic bare-tamers. As usual when I encounter these things in Eastern Europe, I was apalled. This didn’t stop me, however, from purchasing a fur hat. I was very proud of myself as I bargained the guy down fifty-dollars, and the man told me it was fox.

However, as I was eating my lunch another hat dealer came up to me and told me my hat was shit, and that I had to buy another one from him. He went through lengths to try to prove that the hat I had bought was cat. When I didn’t respond to him, he started shouting “Meow, MEow, MEOW” at me. This made my quite nice lunch very unpleasant and made me feel less good about my purchase. So, either way, it looks like real fur and maybe I can offer some kind of competition on the blog for someone to win this treasure.
Posted by Aaron at March 9, 2004 12:54 PM

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